Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What is Love?

So what is love?
Here's my definition...

As stated before, I have been blessed to have met and interacted with a handful of powerful women. Some of which were family, some were not. The only thing that is important amongst these many women are the experiences I have had with each. Experiences that left a lasting effect on me while growing up. This valentines day I wanted to sway from the typical "valentine"; I wanted to use this opportunity to express what love really is. I will do that by giving you snippets of how I fell in love...with me.

This first anonymous tribute goes out to a woman who takes pride in independence and self reliance. She is the strongest, most confident person I have ever encountered in my entire life. She gives endlessly and expects nothing in return. She struggles just like the rest of us, but still finds time to cross items off of her bucket list. I love her. She taught me how to be fiercely INDEPENDANT.

This woman is who I aspire to be as I grow old. She cherishes family, and gives even to those who don't deserve. If there is anyone on this earth that I trust it is this woman. I love her. She taught me how to trust.

My next valentine inspires me simply by experiencing life. Whenever I turn my head she is on another trip, soaking in the lavish views of a new and mysterious place. She is never sitting still. I love her. She reminds me that one of my most cherished goals is to see the world.

There is a certain comfort in selfishness. This woman lives by this theory. I love her, because she taught me that sometimes I have to put myself first.

This woman was introduced to me about a year ago. When I first met her she had a certain charm that gleamed of innovation and self made beauty. She lived a life that no one approved of but her. And that's what made her happy. She invented a life that allowed her to bloom and have her voice heard. I love her. She taught me be confident in whatever I do, and that I am a QUEEN.

This woman was recently blessed with a child and one on the way. With work, her children, her husband, and her home life, I'm sure her glass of stress is quite full. However, if you ever look at this woman, she is always smiling. I love her. She taught me to be positive no matter what.

I lost this woman about three years ago to a rare bone cancer. She was 17 years old, and was the bravest person I had ever met. I remember sitting with her on her bed talking about life the day before she passed. She said " I never got to drive, or go to prom, or experience college... but because I'm here with you.. everything seems alright." I love her for that. She taught me that sometimes friendship is the most important thing.

Growing up, I fell in love over and over having met many powerful women. Every encounter leaving a lasting effect on me. Now I am a 20 year old coach, friend, student, girlfriend, daughter, niece, granddaughter, etc. and I am in love with ME. I have the capacity to be independent, trustworthy, well traveled, selfish (at times), inventive, confident, positive, friendly, happy, and a plethora of other things. All of these traits come together to make who I am. And I'm in love.
Happy Valentines Week!
Jazmyne M. Roulhac


  1. I love it jazz! So beautifully written! Happy Valentine's day, I love you!

    1. I love you too Sam :) Thanks for the support! Give me a call so we can catch up!
